Sunday, February 26, 2006

An Alphabet of Praise

Author Jan Johnson, in her book When the Soul Listens, quotes Madeline L'Engle from an interview entitled "The Practise of Listening":

"I have memorized an alphabet of prayers and hymns, which I sing or say to myself very slowly. And they're all words that mean something to me. And if I just stay with those words very quietly, they help put me out of the way and get me in the right state of mind."
Cross Point, Summer 97, p.3

I think this is very good advice as I try to become more alert to God's presence - my devotional theme for this year.

I am going to post my Alphabet of Praise as a separate blog. I'll begin with this hymn by Martin Luther. A solid theological statement for the letter A. I don't have this hymn completely memorized but I am going to work on it.