As surely as the sun rises...
let us press on to acknowledge him.
As surely as the sun rises,
he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth."
Hos. 6:3
I have lived for 49 years....
and there has been a sunrise
every morning of my life.
Winter rains and snow arrive without fail
and soft April showers
water the earth
daffodils, tulips and crocuses
every single spring
This promise
for me this morning
I am keeping
my ears tuned
my eyes wide-open
I am praying for a
tender heart
a sensitive spirit
I want to see Him moving today
in me
in others
all around me
I want to hear His whisper
be reminded of His promises
So I will acknowledge Him
Lord of heaven and earth
I will trust Him
My Redeemer and Friend
I will obey Him
My God and King
I will love Him
who loved me first
who loves me without end
who forgives all my sins
who is all compassion
and tenderness
I want to know Him more.
I choose
to press on
to know Him
in whom are hidden
all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
I will celebrate
I will be full of joy
I will be turning cartwheels in my spirit
because He,
all that belongs to Him,
is mine.
amen and amen
if you are thinking of me today,
because it's my birthday, don't you know :)
think of me
It's a beautiful, sunshiny day
as Pooh would say
I am going on an expotition!

As surely as the sun rises,
he will appear;
he will come to us like the winter rains,
like the spring rains that water the earth."
Hos. 6:3
I have lived for 49 years....
and there has been a sunrise
every morning of my life.
Winter rains and snow arrive without fail
and soft April showers
water the earth
daffodils, tulips and crocuses
every single spring
This promise
for me this morning
I am keeping
my ears tuned
my eyes wide-open
I am praying for a
tender heart
a sensitive spirit
I want to see Him moving today
in me
in others
all around me
I want to hear His whisper
be reminded of His promises
So I will acknowledge Him
Lord of heaven and earth
I will trust Him
My Redeemer and Friend
I will obey Him
My God and King
I will love Him
who loved me first
who loves me without end
who forgives all my sins
who is all compassion
and tenderness
I want to know Him more.
I choose
to press on
to know Him
in whom are hidden
all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge
I will celebrate
I will be full of joy
I will be turning cartwheels in my spirit
because He,
all that belongs to Him,
is mine.
amen and amen
if you are thinking of me today,
because it's my birthday, don't you know :)
think of me

as Pooh would say
I am going on an expotition!

Photo credits - Rinda Dean
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